perm filename MRS.LET[RLL,DBL] blob sn#690313 filedate 1982-12-08 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
MAIL mullen@sumex, csd.genesereth@score/cc/su MRS License
	14:49 7-Dec-82
@blankspace(.20 inch)
Stanford grants to the LICENSEE a fully-paid, non-exclusive,
non-transferable and perpetual license to use the computer software
MRS (hereinafter called the "Program"), upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter set out.

LICENSEE agrees to pay to STANFORD a one-time royalty-free distribution
fee of $500;
certain non-profit organizations are eligible for the discounted fee of
No purchase orders will be accepted.

The LICENSEE acknowledges that the Program is a research tool still in
the development stage, and that it is being supplied "as is", without
any accompanying services from STANFORD for the purposes of scientific
collaboration aimed at further development and application of the Program
and the exchange of technical data.

STANFORD @i(makes no representations or warranties, express or implied). 
By way of example but not limitation, STANFORD @i(makes no representations
or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or 
that the uses of the licensed software components or documentations will
not infringe any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other rights). 
STANFORD shall not be held liable for any liability nor for any direct,
indirect or consequential damages with respect to any claim by LICENSEE
or any third party on account of or arising from the Agreement or use 
of the Program.

The LICENSEE agrees that the Program is provided solely for the internal
use of the LICENSEE and shall not be distributed or transferred to any
person other than the LICENSEE without the prior written permission from
STANFORD.  Furthermore, the Program shall not be used in any fashion for
any commercial application or product with the prior written permission

Title and copyright to the Program and any material associated therewith 
shall at all times remain with STANFORD.  The LICENSEE agrees not to use
any portion of the Program code in any machine-readable form outside the
Program without the prior written consent of STANFORD.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring rights to use
in advertising, publicity, or otherwise any trademark or the name of 

@blankspace(0.4 inch)

@\@ @ @ @ @ @ Thomas C. Rindfleisch
Title@ux(@\)Title@ux(@ @ @ Director, HPP @\)
@blankspace(.25 inch)

MAIL mullen@sumex, csd.genesereth@score/cc/su MRS Cover Letter
	14:49 7-Dec-82
MAIL csd.mullen@score/su MRS Letter, take 2
	15:45 8-Dec
@make(letterhead, phone "497-9373", Department CSD, Logo old,
who "Thomas C. Rindfleisch", what "Director, HPP")
J Random Buyer
Pritsker & Associates, Inc.
PO Box 2413
West Lafayette, IN 47906
@greeting(Dear Mr. Buyer:)

The MRS system is available in Maclisp,
(running on the @i[Digital Equipment Corporation] (DEC)
PDP-10 and DECSYSTEM-20 computer systems
under the TOPS-20 operating system),
in Franz-Lisp
(on the DEC VAX under UNIX),
and in the @i(Symbolics, Inc.) Lisp Machine Lisp,
(on the (@i[Symbolics, Inc.]) Lisp Machines).
While experimental versions of MRS have been written under other Lisps,
(notably TOPS-20 Interlisp,)
these system fragments are @i[not] (yet) available for distribution.

The MRS system is available for distribution
either on 9-track, 1600 bpi magnetic tape, or
via the ARPA-Net or SUMEX-AIM computer facility at Stanford.
We will distribute an executable version of the system,
a complete set of source files, and one set of documentation.  
As we are not funded to maintain or update MRS,
please be aware that it is an experimental system and carries no warranties.  

To receive a copy of the system, please send us 
a signed copy of the enclosed License Agreement, and a check for $500
made out to Stanford University.
($200 if your organization is non-profit).
Include also your net address if you want the source files FTPed,
or a @i(large) magnetic tape otherwise.
Please allow two to four weeks for delivery after 
our receipt of your tape, the License Agreement, and a check.

We look forward to hearing about your use of the MRS system and any
comments and suggestions you have about the system.
@signature(Thank you,
@blankspace(2 lines)
Thomas C. Rindfleisch


∂08-Dec-82  0911	Juanita Mullen <CSD.MULLEN at SU-SCORE> 	mrs letter    

I had the letter yesterday Russ, but somehow when I tried to transfer it to
SCORE, it got "lost".  Send it to me in a msg at SCORE, please.  And we'll
give it another go around.  The letters scribed at SUMEX don't come wout
letter perfect thnks